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2022 Region VII CRC Technical Session

ASHRAE ALI CourseIntro. to Building Decarbonization

Friday – July 29, 2022 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Crowne Plaza Hotel in Knoxville, TN

Tennessee Ballroom Salon A

(Updated July 11, 2022)



Dru Crawley is Bentley Fellow and Director, Building Performance Research focusing on building performance, zero-energy Buildings, decarbonization, digital twins, smart cities, sustainability, and resilience. Prior to being elevated to Bentley Fellow in 2014, he led the development of Bentley’s building performance software suite for four years. Before joining Bentley in 2010, Dr. Crawley developed and managed EnergyPlus and the USDOE’s Commercial Buildings Initiative (now Better Buildings Initiative and Alliances) promoting the creation of net-zero-energy buildings.

With more than 40 years of experience in buildings energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainability, he has worked in engineering software development, government research and standards development organizations, as well as building design and consulting companies. He received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland on the topic of building simulation as a policy tool, and a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Tennessee, and is a registered architect.

Dr. Crawley is active in ASHRAE (Director-At-Large on ASHRAE Board, member of Task Force on Building Decarbonization, Chair of Standard 169 (Climatic Data for Building Design Standards), member of SSPC 189.1 (Standard for the Design of High-Performance, Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings), as well as a member of Standards PC 105R, 140, 205R, 209R, 228P, 229P, and 232P. He is a former member and Chair of the Standards Committee as well as a past member of the Technical Activities, Research Administration, Advocacy, and Grassroots Government Activities Committees, and past chair of Technical Committees 2.8, 4.2, 4.7, and 7.1). He was elevated to ASHRAE Fellow in 2009 and achieved
ASHRAE BEMP (Building Energy Modeling Professional) certification in October 2012, and received the ASHRAE Standards Achievement Award (2022), Exceptional Service Award (2013), Service to ASHRAE Research Award (2012), Distinguished Service Award (2003), and Symposium Best Paper Award (1999) for “Which Weather Data Should You Use for Energy Simulations of Commercial Buildings?”

He is also active in the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA Vice President since 2018, at-large board member since 1998, Fellow in 2012, Regional Affiliate Liaison since 2006), IBPSA-USA (IBPSA-USA board member since 2013, President 2019-2021, Vice President 2017-2019, and Treasurer 2013-2017), U. S. Green Building Council (USGBC, past vice-chair and member, Energy & Atmosphere Technical Advisory Group; past member, Research Committee; past research liaison), the American Institute of Architects (AIA), an Affiliate member of CIBSE, and serves on the editorial boards of three international journals. He has written more than 125 papers and articles, testified before the U.S. Congress, lectured at more than 40 universities, and made more than 400 presentations on building energy efficiency, sustainability, and renewable energy throughout the world. As an ASHRAE Distinguished
Lecturer, he has given more than 200 presentations and workshops for more than 95 ASHRAE chapters throughout the world.

Drury "Dru" Crawley, Ph.D.

Bentley Fellow/Director, Building Performance Research

Bentley Systems, Inc.
Washington, DC, USA

For a quick course description of this ASHRAE Learning Institute (ALI) course, please follow this link:


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